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Items consist of fields. There are several field types. Also, fields can have requirements.
The field types are:
- Text field: basic one-line text input field.
- Text box: text input box for multiple lines. There are three text box types:
- Plain: for text without formatting.
- Editor: converts the text box to a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor. This will give a visual rather than a textual (like Markdown) view of text formatting, albeit in 1202 typography. You can drag images from your computer and drop them in the editor, automatically creating an image item and linking it. Images and files that are already in your 1202 system can be inserted into the editor when they are linked (insert panes will appear below the editor).
- Markdown: features buttons for quick Markdown code insertion (bold, italic, link and image), Markdown table formatting (table or 'four squares' button) and Markdown preview ('eye' button in the bottom right corner). When image and/or file items are linked to the current item, insert panes for these items will appear so you can insert Markdown code to embed them.
- Checkbox: basic on/off checkbox. On a database level, this equates to the values '1' (on) and '0' (off).
- Select menu: select menu with pre-defined options.
- Select menu expandable: select menu that you can add new values to when adding/editing an item. The current values are shown in the menu.
- Radio buttons: pre-defined range of options (select one).
- Color buttons: pre-defined range of colors (select one).
- Date picker: type or pick any valid date conforming to the format yyyy-mm-dd.
- Time field: enter any valid time conforming to the format hh:mm.
- Model block: entered values are parsed as model blocks. This means you can use 1202 script. The only difference with 'real' model blocks is that you cannot link filters. However, you can access/use items that are linked to the current item.
- Read-only number: non-changeable numeric value.
- Read-only text: non-changeable alphanumeric value.
- Image select: select and upload image files.
- File select: select and upload any file.
- Permission table: define user permissions for system sections, containers and views.
- Guide action: define a guide element action, a state to which your 1202 system will switch.
- Guide sequence: define the sequence of guide elements by dragging and dropping them. Newly linked/unlinked elements will automatically appear/disappear.
Info: You can format text in text boxes either visually or textually. The latter approach, using Markdown, can be easier to use and produce much cleaner results than the visual editor once you master the basics.
There are several Markdown 'cheat sheets'. We can recommend this cheat sheet on GitHub.
There are three field requirements:
- Preferred: a value is not required, but deemed necessary.
- Required: a value is required. Otherwise, you cannot save/change the item.
- Unique: a value is required and needs to be unique. When another item in the same container has the same value for this field, the item will not be saved/changed.